Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Treadmill Workouts

OK...I'm guilty of making the good 'ole "I'm going to lose weight this year..." resolution too. But if I know one thing, it's that if your workout isn't somewhat enjoyable or rewarding you most likely won't stick with it. I recently joined a local gym in an effort to add weight lifting into my workout. I love lifting weights and running, but running on the treadmill, at the gym, is about as much fun as going to the dentist. I get soo bored and uninterested by the time 30 minutes is up. When I'm on the road, I get lost in my thoughts or what is going on around me...but for some reason, the treadmill just isn't the same. To combat this frustration, I found some treadmill workouts that are "butt-kickers" and keep your mind off the monotonous workout itself.

Option 1:

6 minutes easy-18 minutes interval-6 minutes easy =30 minutes
During the interval: 2 minutes at a steady pace-2 minutes at a 85-90% RPE

Option 2:

This option incorporates more incline work with more walking intervals. 

Option 3: 

I really like this option because it has you running at more steady pace for a longer distance. 

These are just a few of the MANY options out there. You'd be AMAZED at how many awesome workouts there are online!!! Find something that works best for you and DO IT!!!! In the meantime, keep some of your runs on the road...it confuses your body a little bit and keeps your muscles acclimated to the "extra" work they have to do...plus, everyone can use a little fresh air!!! 
Do you have a treadmill workout I need to try? Feel free to share!!! 
                  ~ G 

PS. Consider following my blog, by clicking the "Follow Me" button the right hand side! 

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Organize your Life

With the New Year in full swing, it’s  a perfect time to evaluate your organization. Whether it be organizing your home, desk or your schedule, keeping order can make your life ALOT less stressful.
Here are 10 tips to help you organize your life. You don’t have to implement all of them but just a few can make a BIG difference.
1.       Buy a planner.  This is the best "first step" you can take to organize your life. Keeping track of important dates, times and events is crucial. If you have a place where you have all that information, it allows your mind to rest! You can find great planners anywhere from Target to a local invitation store. Some planners have just monthly calendars and others have daily agendas. I suggest buying a planner that has both monthly calendars and daily agendas. I think of it as the "big picture" and the "detailed picture". 

Ballard Design
2.       Baskets are your best friend.  I really love baskets! Baskets allow you to keep stuff off the ground, but have it in a convenient location. For example, put a basket of blankets in the living room. The basket is appeasing to the eye, yet blankets for chilly nights are handy. Also, baskets are great for collection random items throughout the house. I personally love the baskets that fit on the staircase. I can foresee throwing kids toys/books in those and assignment a basket for each child. 

3.    Declutter aka THROW OUT! Set aside 2 times a year to clean out closets, drawers, anything that "collects stuff". Throw out or donate anything that you haven't used in that 6 months. 

4.       Make everything visible. This is especially important for closets. When you open up a linen closet (for example), you should be able to see all the items in the closet, without rummaging through the stuff. In an effort to help, drawers or baskets may be helpful. 

5.       Make lists. I am a professional list maker. If I don't write it down, the chances of me remember are minimal. Posts are perfect for this. Have a pack of "Post Its" in each room and in your car/purse. If you think of something, write it down on a "To do" list. Writing it will help you remember, as well as provide a visual reminder. 

6.       Set a schedule. People that have set schedules tend to forget less and have better productivity. Try to make a schedule for each day or week and stick to that schedule as best as possible. Consistency is KEY. 

7.       Pick and Choose. There's an old saying that it is better to do one thing well than to do many things subpar. Pick the most important tasks to complete. If some things have to wait that is OK! You will be productive if you choose a few items rather than halfway complete several. 

8.       Do one thing at a time. Pick 1 task to complete and don't begin another task until you've finished the first. 

9.       Color Code. Whether it be your towels or clothes, having items in color code will help with the overall organization.

10.    Make your bed! I sound like my mother!!!!! BUT...the older I get the more I enjoy having a "made bed". Your home will feel more organized if you come home to a bed that is put together. Also, it creates a more relaxed feeling in the room and less stressful. This is a great habit to teach your kids. Give them some responsibility with it. 

      I hope these tips help make your life/home/routine a little more organized. I am definitely going to try and implement a few of these! Remember, it's what works for you and your house! If something isn't working, change it! Let's make an effort to get organized in 2013!!! 
                                                                                                                        ~ G 

Disclaimers: I am by no means an expert organizer, just a normal Type A personality that likes "things" in its place. Also, I do not have children...but I hope that I can implement some of these tips when I do have kiddos in the house. 

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Guest room inspiration

Since we moved into our house, I have tried to be very patient with decorating. I have a very specific taste and I didn't want to just fill the house with random chotchkies. For this reason, my house is not decorated completely, quite yet. My mom once told me, decorate your house room by room. If you don't you will end up with incomplete thoughts in each room. I can understand why she said this. It's very easy to get on a "kick" and if you don't stay focused, that "kick" will travel. 

Until last week, our 2nd guest room was completely empty...well, except for our ironing board and bike trainer, ha! The bed is a beautiful antique bed and sits in the room quite nicely. Now that I have this large piece of the puzzle, I want to start gathering some inspiration to complete the room. I have guests coming in February and would love the room to be completed for them!



I love the contrast of dark wood with naturals and white...basically most of my house is this idea. I think white bedding in a guest room creates an inviting, peaceful feel. It resembles an old Bed & Breakfast to me.

I also love the use of natural linen for bedding. It's light and creates a comfy, less formal look. 

Keep the room "clean" is important for a guest room. You don't want to clutter the room or the bed with unnecessary items. 
I <3 Buffalo check!!! I think my eyes are always drawn towards it...balance of french country, traditional yet functional. This resembles my master a little too much though... ;( 

I am NOT very patient, but I'm trying to gather all my inspiration so that I make the perfect choice for the room. It's is always worth the wait!!!!

Stay tuned for Guest Room feature COMING SOON! 

                             ~ G 

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year

2012...What an EXCITING year! This year has been one of the best years I can remember...so many exciting things happened this year. I ran my first marathon. Brian and I celebrated our 1 year anniversary!!! We became landlords & bought a new home. We celebrated friends getting married and friends having babies.  We met great new friends and enjoyed the company of old friends!! It's always fun to reminisce on the past year and remember all the POSITIVE things that happened!
Celebrating our 1st anniversary

Celebrating one my dearest friend's wedding (Cameron Petrie Hockaday)

Finishing my first marathon (26.2 with Donna) 
I can't wait to see what this year brings! I've already got so many goals set and I know this year will be even better than the last!!!! Here are some of my "goals"/resolutions:

1- Be more positive: I want to find all the positive aspects of life, rather than focusing on the negative or "what ifs".

2- Capture more moments by taking more pictures!!! Santa brought me a very nice camera, so I want to try learn more about photography.

3- Finish my master's degree...I am hoping I can finish all my classes by the end of 2013!

4- Loss some weight ( I won't get specific) but I want to reach a certain weight AND decrease my running speed by about 1 minute/mile

5-BLOG MORE!  I'd like to blog at least 2 times a week!

What are some of your resolutions or goals...remember, resolutions don't have to start on January 1st, they can start at any point! Just START! 

Happy New Year to all of you and I look forward to sharing what 2013 brings!!!!

                                                                                          ~ G